The Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching, Training and Leadership is pleased to offer three certification programs based on Dr. Claire Zammit’s doctoral research, her two decades of direct work with 60,000+ women, and her transformational events that have reached millions.

By coaching, facilitating, leading and mentoring your clients within a truly woman-centered methodology, you can give them access to deep and powerful results. It’s this method and approach that we teach in all our certification programs, which include the knowledge, curriculum, tools and techniques to address women’s developmental challenges and opportunities and catalyze their self-actualization.

The Woman-Centered Coaching Platinum Certification and Business Accelerator

The Woman-Centered Coaching Platinum Certification and Business Accelerator

Become a professional coach specializing in empowering self-actualizing women one-on-one, as well as a professional facilitator who leads extraordinary workshops, women’s circles, retreats and more.

This 12-month program will fast-track your cultivation of the skills, frameworks, tools, and methods that ignite women’s power and unleash their potentials.

You’ll learn the quintessential Woman-Centered Coaching frameworks—the proprietary and transformational technology developed by Dr. Claire Zammit over 2 decades, which rapidly shifts women’s core beliefs so you can facilitate powerful growth in one session.

At every step of the program, you’ll have access to our collaborative learning structures and live deep skills mentoring.

You’ll also learn the underlying principles for designing programs that transform lives. Most business training programs focus only on tactics, but in our Platinum certification program you’ll receive a deeper methodological framework as well as clear templates and materials to help you create and deliver winning courses, programs, and much more.

And to help you launch your business seamlessly, you’ll also be invited to our Woman-Centered Business School Foundations Bootcamp, where you’ll receive all you need to create a one-year, $200K+ Business Plan, completely laid out with your own Winning Offers, Outreach and Enrollment Systems for quickly getting clients.

After completing the training, you will also have the opportunity to use the Institute’s branded materials in your work with women and/or gain permission to integrate our proprietary practices into your own brand.

With the leading-edge transformational and Woman-Centered Coaching tools you’ll receive, you’ll be positioned to help high-potential women achieve deep, lasting results while creating a prosperous and purposeful business.

The Woman-Centered Coaching Certification Program

The Woman-Centered Coaching Certification Program

Become known as a world-class coach who generates wild success for her clients by investing in the most credible, comprehensive, effective training available that certifies you as a specialist in coaching women.

Our 6-month coaching certification program will enable you to become a highly trained professional coach specializing in empowering women one-on-one, with leading-edge transformational and Woman-Centered Coaching tools.

You’ll learn how to attract high-level, self-actualizing clients and how to catalyze lasting results for them in areas such as love and relationships, purpose, health and well-being, leadership, and more.

You’ll also be equipped to create and offer high-value individual coaching package offers, VIP days, and intensives, and you’ll be able to integrate the Woman-Centered Coaching Method and skills into your existing work as a coach, leader, changemaker, author, speaker, and/or professional to enhance your impact!

Global Leader Community & Network

Global Leader Community & Network

By joining our professional training community you’ll be part of an inspiring group of leaders from many countries who share your commitment to growth and serving at the highest level. You’ll join the many brilliant women including: coaches, teachers, lawyers, CEOs, architects, medical professionals, counselors, healers, engineers, social workers, and scientists who will be a part of this year’s cohort. The depth of skills, experience and wisdom in this group is extraordinary.

We will be working together to harness the magic of your collective power as you refine your ability to ignite extraordinary results in the individuals, groups and organizations you will be working with.